February 24, 2021: Everything You Wanted to Know about the Covid-19 Vaccines and Their Roll-Out.


As the US begins the attempt to vaccinate millions of residents, how is Washington State’s roll out working during the largest vaccination drive in American history?

How is the new federal administration boosting state efforts to get vaccine into arms faster? What protections are in place to ensure equitable access to the vaccine?  How safe are the vaccines? Our expert panelists SheAnne Allen and Mary Huynh, from the Washington State Department of Health, will answer many of our COVID-19 vaccine-related questions and provide important updates regarding the vaccine rollout.

SheAnne-AllenSheAnne Allen, Covid-19 Vaccine Director & Deputy PCH Response Director at the Washington State Department of Health. SheAnne received her Master’s in Public Health from the University of WA in 2013 and her BA from the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse. Sheanne has been with the department for 15 years. A large portion of her career was spent in Tuberculosis in a variety of roles. SheAnne started her career as a health educator and is a master certified health education specialist.

Kathy Bay has been a nurse for 34 years obtaining her BSN from University of Tennessee, a Master’s in Nursing from University of Washington and a Doctorate of Nursing Practice from the University of San Francisco. Kathy served in the United States Navy Nurse Corps for 20 years in locations both in the United States and overseas. After retiring from the US Navy Nurse Corps, Kathy served as the Emergency Department Director and then Chief Nursing Officer for an 80 bed community hospital in Washington. Kathy has worked with the Department of Health since 2016 and as the manager for Clinical & Quality Assurance in the Office of Immunizations and Child Profile since December 2018.